There are no ultimate or best exercises or practice patterns. Every individual has certain exercises that will get them from A to B the quickest, but what works for one individual may not work for the next. The trick is to know, out of all the exercises possible, exactly which ones you as an individual need to be doing.
So how does one do this?
By learning the skills of Focus and how to immerse your awareness in the correct way, you can engage your conscious mind (the Director) and your automatic mind (the Doer) with each other.
Not engaging these two parts of your mind, or engaging them incorrectly, will very likely lead to practicing inefficiently or ineffectively. You also have no way of knowing exactly what you should practice at any given time to maximise your progress. When you learn how to focus correctly, you will know what exercises are actually benefiting you.
This is a skill which takes a number of defined steps to learn, as a shorthand for these I call the process Practice Noesis.
Learning to Focus in the correct way brings many benefits on many levels of playing.
This is one major area of study and practice. This is one of what I call the Three Cornerstones which we look at in detail in private teaching as well as workshops.
Noesis (Greek: ν?ησις for “insight”) is a word meaning (in
philosophical context) “understanding as the ability to sense,
or know something, immediately”. Noesis encompasses the
processes of the thoughts and the types of thoughts along
with psyche episodes or moments (states), in consciousness.
Noema (ν?ημα) is the object of focus of the nous or
consciousness. Usually the term noema is used when one
engages in the perception of an object. The focus of noema
can be object external to the human consciousness and objects
within the human consciousness.