
 New interview in Innerviews

Innerviews.orgAnil Prasad does a second interview with Mark in the web’s premier jazz, art rock and prog rock publication.  Mark discusses the creative process which drive his compositions, his approach to being a band leader and how his guitar technique has evolved. Read the interview.



All About Jazz interview

All About JazzJohn McGuire interviews Mark for All About Jazz, the web’s premier jazz
website.  Mark talks about who he approach composing and recording Proof
of Light and his approach to guitar tone and sound processing.  Read the interview.



The Lodge interview

The LodgeBarry Cleveland, former Editor of Guitar Player Magazine now runs
The Lodge a site with his unique style interview and features the likes of
David Torn, John McLaughlin, Mark Wingfield and Kevin Kastning.  In this joint interview
Mark and Kevin talk about their approach to improvising, recording, life the universe and
everything. Read the interview.


JazzBluesNews interview

Interview with Mark Wingfield: I would interpret soul in this context to mean emotion. Read the interview.


Grand Gtrs Magazine feature

Grand GtrsFeature in the premier German guitar magazine.  Mark talks about
the concept for and recording of his album Proof of Light.
Read the interview (in German).


Guitar Player Magazine feature

Mark Wingfield Guitar Player Magazine FeatureTalks about Mark’s new album with Kevin Kastning. Mark and Kevin
explain how they approached recording an album which was entirely
improvised. Read the interview.
Guitar Player Magazine


Innerviews interview

Mark Wingfield Innerviews Anil Prasad Feature“Seamlessly weaving organic and electronic influences together is the
hallmark of guitarist and composer Mark Wingfield’s diverse, jazz-based
Read the interview.


Guitar Player Magazine feature on Mark

Mark Wingfield Guitar Player Magazine FeatureThe feature includes an interview where Mark talks about his approach
to music, guitar playing and lots more. Read a pdf of the printed version
Read the interview.
Guitar Player Magazine


Interview in Guitar Moderne

guitar modernMark discusses playing entirely through a laptop and the new technology
that enables, as well his inspirations and musical origins. Read the interview.


Interview in

mwe3Mark discusses his new album Cinema Obscrua, the recording process and
the concepts behind the widely acclaimed new album. Read the interview.


Video interviews

Mark Wingfield Guitar Player Magazine Video interviewGuitar Player Magazine website is featuring seven exclusive video
​ Watch the videos.
Guitar Player Magazine